The average young person in Romania is very pessimistic about the future and their ability to influence it. A key aim of the charity is about empowerment, to restore hope in the future. To this end we do not send teams of people out from the UK to Romania, as work parties and leaders. Rather, we are involved in providing the material resources, inspiration, and setting an example, to enable Romanian people to do things for themselves. The various activities that we support are not an end in themselves, they are seen as 'vehicles of change'. These are not fixed. A particular program may last 1, 2, 3 years. The point is that we are not plugging the activity as an end in itself, but as a vehicle of growth and empowerment to the individual.


The philosophy of how the charity works is a little unusual compared to other organisations. It is principally a bottom - up organisation, rather than a top - down organisation. Many charities seek to work with the senior officials in a town, church or organisation. We are open to work with those people who come to us - and share our vision of helping others, without distinction to ethnic background. Most of the people we work with are unpaid volunteers. Bottom-up management ensures we are focussed on getting things done, not embroiled in the political ambitions of a few civic leaders.


We believe in an approach that embraces mind, body and spirit.

Mind - Education, skills, attitudes, belief

Body - Clothes, food, physical health & fitness, medical treatment

Spirit - The transforming nature of a living God as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

You cannot 'half help' a person - you need to help all of them.


We believe that money received from our sponsors should go to benefit the people of Romania, not supporting UK overheads, and not financing the UK haulage industry to deliver aid. To this end the majority of our UK overheads are funded privately by the trustees; and we aim to send only small quantities of aid from the UK - preferring to buy what we need in Romania and supporting the local economy, where possible.


We do not have aspirations to change the world. As a small charity if we can reach 1000 people, then we feel we are making a difference. Through our summer holiday camps and holiday clubs, material aid, and preaching engagements - we are meeting this '1000' target on an annual basis.


Continue to grow, don't stagnate reproducing the same old thing every year. Every year, try something new that you never did before.